You may now pay your Bill Online!
Payrhealth provides our medical billing services. Billing statements are sent out via text and regular mail. For your convenience you may opt out of the text statements at any time. The text statement allows you to view and pay your statement securely through your phone. If you prefer to mail in your payment, or make your payment online, you may do so with the information provided on your statement.
If you have concerns or questions about your bill or if you would like to make a payment, please click on the button below.
Through this link you can make a payment, send a message to a billing specialist regarding any concerns or questions as well as make changes to your address, phone number(s) or insurance coverage.
If you would prefer to contact their office via the phone the contact information is:
Toll-Free: 866-815-9776
Phone: 913-642-4900
Fax: 913-381-3454